Timber QLD
Technical Data Sheets
The following technical data sheets are available for members of Timber Queensland. These data sheets are revised, updated and current as of May 2017.
They are in PDF format, and as such you’ll need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can obtain Acrobat Reader FREE from the Adobe webpage.
Click on the title to download the data sheet.
Timber Panelling
Finishes for Exterior Timber
Treated Pine Cladding
Residential Timber Decks
Cypress Hardwood Cladding
Treated Pine Outdoors
Timber Decks Commercial, Industrial and Marine
Timber Garden Walls (Up to 1 Metre high)
Timber Retaining Walls Residential
Seasoned Softwood Framing
Tongue and Groove Timber Flooring General Information
Termite Management of New Buildings
Residential Timber Decks Close to or on the Ground
Sub-floor Ventilation
Specifying Timber
a Species, Properties and Uses
b Species Tables
Timber Floors Pre Installation Assessment
Timber Floors Recommended Installation Practices
Pergolas and Carports
Residential Timber Fences
Sanding and Finishing Timber Floors
Light Organic Solvent Preservative Treated Timber
Handrails and Balustrades
Recommendations for use of H3
Outdoor Timber Performance
Truss Installation
Measuring Moisture Content
Moisture in Timber
Moisture Effects on In-service Performance
Fire Hazard Properties
Acceptable Appearances from Timber Floors
Wind Tie Down Connections – Getting it Right
Seperating Walls – Class 1A Buildings
Timber Treatment brands
Corrosion Resistance of Metal Connectors
Parapet Construction
ATFA Specification for Solid Timber Flooring
Every care is taken to provide you with this important information, however, due to setup of computers systems worldwide – downloading via the internet can cause the information to display differently than the original copy. It is in your best interest to obtain an original copy from our offices if your intention is to use the information for construction, technical, research or where ever the information is considered critical.